Sunday, March 6, 2005

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini-tuck is a partial abdominoplasty and is best performed on a patient with loose skin and muscle only in the lower abdomen. This out-patient procedure usually allows the patient to go home the same day. Although you will probably be able to recover quickly, you'll need to spend your first week primarily resting and recuperating. Liposuction, or fat suction, is often performed at the same time as the mini-tuck. An incision is made just above the pubic mound. The excess skin is cut away and the remaining skin is stitched back together again forming a tighter, firmer tummy. The navel remains in it's original place. The resulting permanent scar can be easily concealed by clothing or swim wear. After the procedure, you'll have a flatter, firmer tummy by excising loose skin and paunchiness in the lower abdomen. The success of this operation is quite high if you choose your surgeon carefully and follow his or her advice. Complications are always a risk when undergoing any type of surgery and your surgeon should discuss these in length with you.

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